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Buy UV tanning lamp replacements for tanning beds and booths. Guaranteed delivery of all the major tanning bulb brands Wolff, Cosmedico, Cosmolux, Sun Capsule, Radiance, Supra, Hereaus, Cleo and more. Replace your Genesis, Velocity, Dark Tan, Bronzing Sun, Bellarium, Ergoline and more as they wear out. We specialize in older beds home units, as well as, newer commercial units from makers like Ergoline, KBL, Sun Vision, Passion, Wolff Systems, Prosun, Protech, Hex Standups and more.
We also offer industry best prices and daily guaranteed shipments to home and business since 2005. Plus free support to HELP owners, Contact Us , that might not be sure what is needed.
Featured Products

ProTech Tanning Lamp - 160 Watt - 200 Watt - High Intensive RUVA XL FR75 1.9m XL Reflector
$75.03 $19.93Save: 73% off

Cosmedico Tanning Lamp - 160 Watt - 200 Watt - VHR TT FR71 BiPin Reflector
$67.36 $19.51Save: 71% off

Wolff BRONZING SUN PLUS Tanning Lamp - 100 Watt - 120 Watt - F71 BiPin NonReflector
$62.17 $14.50Save: 77% off

Smart Lamp Tanning Lamp - 160 Watt - 200 Watt - FR74 RDC *12 MIN* HEX Compatible Reflector
$94.20 $24.49Save: 74% off